No matter from which product line you choose your filling machine: VKPAK makes no difference in quality referring to filling valves, filling accuracy and filling speed. The same components are used in all lines.
VKPAK has various machine designs for drum filling, tote filling, and liquid filling of other palletized bulk sizes e.g. 25 gallon barrels, etc. These drum filling systems are available in chemical duty construction and food grade construction in either top fill only or bottom up fill (subsurface) configurations. Top drum filling configurations are less expensive but limited to non foaming bulk products. Bottom up drum filling configurations are very flexible systems capable of filling almost any bulk product within a wide range of foamy characteristics and viscosities.
Оба система пуњења горњег и доњег пуњења бубња користе интегрисани ваљак и погонски транспортни ваљак. Систем ради са минималним учешћем оператера. Руковалац поставља палете, тоте или бубњеве на платформи за скалирање са управљачким прекидачем за транспорт. Оператер затим користи прекидач за уравнотежење млазница за ручно (нулту тежину) позиционирање на отвор бубња, бачве или тоте. Потом руковаоц активира аутоматско пуњење и млазница се отвара и пумпа се пуни до тежине.
Drum filler systems can be supplied with VKPAK supplied custom pump systems or fed by customer’s existing bulk supply system.This system eliminates the physical effort normally associated with 55-gallon drum handling.Remote stainless steel NEMA 4x washdown capable PLC control panel is connected to the drum and tote filler by waterproof cable and allows operator access and control away from immediate filling area.